Seizing Possibilities

Seizing Possibilities
Seizing Possibilities

Monday, December 27, 2010

Looking back to look forward- Follow your heart.

Well, the New Year is just around the corner now and it is traditional to assess the year that has passed and look forward to the new; to set goals, make resolutions and move forward with renewed passion and resolve.  In your business or work, looking back on the year’s successes and failures will help you to realize where you need to make adjustments and look toward new avenues or outlets for your business to be profitable.  As a new photographer on the scene, there is a LOT for me personally to assess!  So I am trudging forward like the stickman in the snow with his little sled.

Life dealt me a curve ball in April, when I lost my full-time job and it took me some time to let it settle in my heart and then let the activity of the things taking place around me settle a bit more before I knew it was time to follow my heart.  To believe in myself and to take the “bull by the horns” so to speak and move forward in a direction of the seed planted in my heart as a very young girl, even when it seemed impossible, it was what I needed to do. 

I will definitely say using the social media aspects available to me has helped to launch me in the right direction.  So I would definitely suggest, if you are moving toward making photography your business, having a FaceBook Fan Page and Twitter and LinkedIn seem to be a great asset in getting your name out there and to begin to be recognized.  Make them all uniform so people begin to associate your name with your work, personalize your URL.  LinkedIn photography and art groups have helped me make connections with others of my profession. Networking with other photographers will be high on my list for the coming year.  The benefits of Flickr for me need to be explored.  Many of you have been on my recent journey of building my website; a monstrous mountain to climb which in the end I am certain will bring good things in the coming year, but if you can afford to have someone else work on this for you, you might be miles ahead!  Selling to just friends and family is not enough!  Donating photographs to causes (Davin Gordon ) has been a great way to make everything I do worthwhile and I look forward to being able to do it again this coming year. 

I have a lot to learn, a WHOLE lot to learn! I can never stop learning and growing and evolving into being better than I was the last time out taking my photographs.  Becoming more excellent in every way at what I do and want to accomplish must be part of my list.  Make this list more specific! I need to find out what I need to learn technically, aesthetically and personally and make that part of my intent and goals in the New Year.  Of course there are some things I have no idea I need to learn yet, so it’s time to consider a workshop with someone I admire and who perhaps works in an area of photography I would like to break into.

Perfecting a portfolio that says to someone else what I do, where my passion lies, what I am compassionate about and which photographs in my work best represent that and the vision and dream I have; to take it beyond the photograph and into the hearts of those viewing it.  To reduce my portfolio to a place where others want to see more of what I do and have done in the past.  Perhaps working with a coach might be a direction I need to take, someone who has helped others in my position to live their dreams and follow their hearts.

Submitting my work to entities that I would love to work with and who might benefit from my compassion and point of view; to branch out and reach farther.  To dream big, to follow it and to succeed. 

Dream.  Believe. Work hard. Live it.

What do you need to ponder on from last year and consider for the coming year?

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