Seizing Possibilities

Seizing Possibilities
Seizing Possibilities

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Website building

I just took the dive into building my website and initially found it overwhelming.  There really are some ways to prepare better for this and hopefully as I begin to be a more faithful blogger I will be able to share some of the struggles and successes to give you better insight into taking "the plunge."  But I will say, if you are thinking about it.  Just do it!  You will never be perfectly ready and even if you think you are, you will encounter new and interesting days filled with tidbits of frustration and elation all at the same time!  If you are not quite ready to have your own website, which by the way, I would obtain my own domain name, much more professional looking and it's one of the cheapest aspects of having your own site, there are a number of things to do to prepare your files!  There are definitely a lot of good hosting sites out there to choose from and I would try to narrow it down and then take a tour as much as possible to understand some of the things you can do and what they offer you.  Decide what it is you actually need for your photography and then give it a try.  Most sites have a free or very inexpensive initial offer.  It's been only five days since I started my Photoshelter account and it gets easier and I understand more each day I work at it, sometimes hours on end when I am on a roll.    So far I am very happy with the account that I have there and have not taken full advantage of all the things they offer you, but I will and I'll do my best to help you get ready to "take the plunge!" 

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